My first day at UAM


My first day at UAM was a breeze. It felt different than any other place where I have worked. The environment is much more calm and friendly. It was not weird since I have a friend that works here so I had someone to talk to and someone to eat lunch with. Everybody was very friendly and very polite. I got a coffee mug full of candies. Also, on that day I spent my $3 dollars in snacks, I probably gained about 3 pounds that day. I went for a mangoneada at noon and it was so good. On that day I set up my outlook and google accounts. I got a small welcome banner on my desk, and I was also given a tour around the building, I don’t want to admit that I was lost but I was. I went to have lunch downstairs at 12:30 which was a terrible idea. The cafeteria gets so full of people from the other offices that are in the building. Oh and I almost forgot, since I had no idea of what I was doing I parked my car where only coaches and bosses can park. Umm what else. Yeah! I just remembered how it felt to wake up really early after a long time of waking up around 8, its a huge time difference but I will get used to it. The first didn’t feel as bad as Friday, on Friday by body felt like it was exhausted and I could barely think. On my first day I had an interview with a client named Finny, he seamed nice but I think he has forgotten about me. I have been sending emails but maybe he is too busy or he forgot about my services. Then, there’s Sam. He is very young and he is my client, he is very nice and patient.