First day at UAM

On my first day of work, I didn’t know what to expect since it was my first job experience, but I was very excited of starting a new adventure and a new chapter on my life.

I felt very welcomed from the moment I arrived, I met Sergio and he gave me a tour around the building and gave me a mug with some candies, at the end he introduced me to my Coach, who later introduced me to my Jr. Coaches.

They introduced me to Luis, who taught me how I am supposed to do my job, he was very patient whenever I asked him something I didn’t understand. When I arrived, they still hadn’t assign me the spot where I would be sitting, because I was going to be working with Luis so that I could learn and understand very well my tasks, it was a little uncomfortable but it didn’t bother me.

What I liked since the beginning, is the work environment, people are very nice and friendly, and they are willing to help whenever you need help.

In conclusion, I had a very nice first day of work, got to meet a lot of people and made new friends that helped me throughout the day and made me feel very welcomed. I am very happy to start working with UAM and to be able to learn new and different things

Camila D.

My First day at Work

Well, this is my first day at my new job. I am very excited of starting a new adventure and a complete change to my life. Let me tell you why:

I have worked in the call center industry for 12 years and I worked for 8 years in my last job. So, this is a big change to my “routine”. I went to the same place, taking the same route with almost the same people around me for a long time; so, to me, my first day was full of changes. The route I took to come to work, the parking, the people and even deciding where to eat is different to me.

I am used to rules and a lot of “Don’ts”, so, my first day of work was full of pleasant surprises when I see that people here work in a relax environment and that is definitely good to know.

I have great expectations for this new experience. I am curious of how my client will be and what will be my role in her company. I believe that the thing that I like the most about Uassist me is that there are a lot of things that you can learn depending on the client you work for, your team mates and coach.

I have to thank God for this opportunity and I hope to adapt as soon as possible so I can deliver what is expected from me. Also, hopefully I will start making good friends soon as I believe it is very important since you spend a lot of time at work, even more time that the one you spend with your family sometimes.

Being the newest member of a company or team – The rookie – is both challenging and exciting, so I am just enjoying this moment for now.

-Manuel MontoyaUntitled

My first day on my new job

A new job represents a new step in life. It teaches you a lot of things, you meet new people, and you discover that you can do things that you didn´t even know you could do.

In my first day at UAM I was really nervous as it was my first job. That day I arrived very early, even though my schedule was from seven to four. I arrived at 6:00 am, I waited in the cafeteria until 6:45 am, then I waited until Sergio and Josselyne showed me my spot. I sat next to Alex. At that time I didn´t know we were going to become friends very easily because we had a lot in common.

Josselyne introduce me to the team. They were friendly, but it took me some time to start talking to everyone. I discovered that if I needed help, they were going to do their best to help me.

That day, I read a lot. I tried to memorize all the rules, but it was a little bit difficult due to the quantity of information. It was really interesting because I learned new research techniques. I learned something new every day for following months.  Now I have more than 3 months working at UAM and I´m still learning. I believe that what makes this job interesting, even when you are doing the same thing day after day is the challenge to reach the goal every day.   Finding new profiles with specific information is a challenge, but I love challenges, they give some flavor to life.

This experience has taught me to manage my time in a better way as I need to finish my tasks in my job, and I have to do homework from University. The value of time changes when you have more to do. I believe it has helped me to be more productive, also all what I have learned has helped me to develop myself in different ways.

Roxana Portillo

Today is the day!


After the hiring process I finally got the position at U assist me as Virtual Agent, I have been pursuing this position since I found out about this great company, but why did I decide to go aboard this path? Let me give you a little background in how I ended up here.

First of all I used to work in the Call Center Industry as Customer Service Representative in which I learned about Hotel Reservations and how that business works, then one day I decided jump into another challenge and I started working as Customer Care Rep in the Medical Insurance Business, the good thing about it was the fact that I was not only a customer rep but also I did telephonic translation a couple of times which was very nice being in the middle of the conversation speaking both languages at the same time I felt good about it.

I truly believe that we never stop learning and within the company I wanted to provide an extra value to my work, and I got a promotion to the Quality Assurance Team in which your main goal is perform actions to develop quality improvement among the associates and most of bottom performers. Well, long story short i gained tons of experience by performing several tasks at the same time, My time management improved, emotional intelligence is one the most valuable let’s call it “Skill” I acquire from my previous jobs and I’m grateful for that.

I knew that I was ready to grow personally and most important professionally and I knew this was the best place to put on practice all the things I have learned throughout this time in a professional environment as well as to keep growing in knowledge by doing new tasks. I knew this was the place in which  I will reach my goals and works as an inspiration by working with entrepreneurs, maybe one day I will be in the other side of the business hiring a Virtual Agent to run out my own business, because if you can dream it you can do it..

Long story short Today is the day that i will start building that dream and that’s why I know this is one of the best days in my life.


Nelson Zuniga

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¡My first day at UAM!

My first day at UAM was kind of unbelievable, because it is my first job, and that i was thinking that was all that i need that day i woke up at 5:00 AM i was really excited.

When i arrived i met Sergio and he told me ¡Welcome to Uassistme! and gave to me a gift with some candies, they were really delicious, and we had to do a short tour in all the installations and at the end he introduces to me to my jr. coach, and he told me that i have to read and start my training, i was nervous because, was something really new to me i tought that i had to call and recibe calls and then i got realized that i had to search people and use a lot of tools and extesions.

I felt really blessed because i was looking for a job like this and i finally get it so i do my best, i remember that i did not take a lunch, i was really happy, i had to create all my accounts like Skype etc. The enviroment was really nice, then everybody told me Welcome to the YEC team!, about the place i really liked because it had a lot of colors and phrases my first impression was wow…i like this place! I was ready to start my new job! i did not need any more

I really liked the team all they were so kind and patient with me that day i learned a lot that day about emails, and social medias like Linkedin etc.

That day was really nice i go home and i told to my mom how was my first day at UAM and i was really happy to go back again!

-Nathaly G.