Keep Calm and Rock Your First Day

The first day of work can be full of excitement… before you get to the office. It’s like the first day of school; you can’t contain your excitement but when you enter the premises you are already dying to leave!

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That is usually the case, but, honestly I was so happy with my new job that I just wanted to learn new stuff and know what I was going to be delegated to do for the rest of my first day. 

I have to admit that being a newbie is really stressful, you want to get things done the correct way and on time, and the worst part is the fear of messing things up and being reprehended, luckily I had the help of a really nice girl, she taught me everything that I had to know on how to get the work done before the end of the day.

Shadowing her was one thing and made things look really simple and easy, but having to start getting stuff done by myself was other, thanks God the things I had to do on my first day were not that complicated and was able to get them done on time.

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I’m still a newbie, I don’t know people’s names yet, still don’t know how to handle some situations, but the good thing is that people is always open to answer my questions when I don’t know what to do, is a good thing to know that you have the support of your co-workers. Having new experiences and having new beginnings is the best you can have when wanting to learn and grow as a person and as a professional, so I can say I a pretty good first day at my new job. Hopping that everyday will be a new day for new lessons and new opportunities.

By: Rebeca Abrego ♥♥♥

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