My first day at work


My first day at my new job felt like first day at school. I was so nervous because was a different environment for me, new people to meet and new tasks to learn.  I used to work in a call center so I was used to take calls and follow a specific procedure for each call. My new job turns out to be totally different. I was going to be someone’s assistant! Therefore my job was going to be different every day and I was not going to do the same thing every day. So I needed to learned everything  from zero. I did not even understand what my boss work was so it was more difficult for me to see the “big picture”.  I remembered I saw everybody around me, so focus in what they were doing  for different clients and it looked like I was never going to be there.

That day I started going into the system I was going to be using and for me looked like an encrypted page hard to read.

My supervisor and all management  were so polite and patient with me. If I had any question or doubt in how to do a specific thing they explained me carefully so I could understand it. I’m sure I will continue learning new things every day and that’s so excited. I came to my first day with fear for the unknown but now I know that with practice I’ll be ok.

I still need to get used to the way they work and how they do things, but I’m confident I will get used to.

Leticia Barrera.-

Starting a new job had never been that easy

Starting a new Job is never easy. It usually takes time to get used to it; however, my first day on my new job was enough to realize that it is not always true.

Right after I came in to the main room, all my teammates treated me kindly and they offered me their help inmediately. Their tips and recommendations were very handy on my first day here. I met my coaches and all my teammates. They are all very hardworking people and I am sure they are all willing to help me with any concern I may have.

The client I am working for is very kind and repectful. The company trust us and empower us, which is great considering that most of the companies are always looking at you waiting for you to fail so they can criticize your job. Therefore, employees do not feel a good environment are discouraged to improve since they are afraid of failure and they end up quiting their jobs.

I began the training for newbies which basically teaches me how to use different tools such as hootsuite, google calendar, among others. Moreover, it gives some advices about how to reach the attention of anyone reading my blog entries or facebook and twitter posts. Additionally, I read the client’s manual for customer service and I learned how to respond to different scenarios and cases, the process I have to follow,  and how to solve them.

I was watching tutorial videos, performing different tasks, reading ppts, and sending emails in order to improvc}e my knowledge and skills. I talked to my coaches about my concerns and preferences; they registered my fingerprint to have access to the room and the clock in/out system; and gave me my credentials for the tools I will use to perform my tasks.

In conclusion, I really enjoyed my first day at work, I will work hard to improve myself, and I am sure I will stay here for a long time.

By Wilson Carranza

My first day on my new job

A new job represents a new step in life. It teaches you a lot of things, you meet new people, and you discover that you can do things that you didn´t even know you could do.

In my first day at UAM I was really nervous as it was my first job. That day I arrived very early, even though my schedule was from seven to four. I arrived at 6:00 am, I waited in the cafeteria until 6:45 am, then I waited until Sergio and Josselyne showed me my spot. I sat next to Alex. At that time I didn´t know we were going to become friends very easily because we had a lot in common.

Josselyne introduce me to the team. They were friendly, but it took me some time to start talking to everyone. I discovered that if I needed help, they were going to do their best to help me.

That day, I read a lot. I tried to memorize all the rules, but it was a little bit difficult due to the quantity of information. It was really interesting because I learned new research techniques. I learned something new every day for following months.  Now I have more than 3 months working at UAM and I´m still learning. I believe that what makes this job interesting, even when you are doing the same thing day after day is the challenge to reach the goal every day.   Finding new profiles with specific information is a challenge, but I love challenges, they give some flavor to life.

This experience has taught me to manage my time in a better way as I need to finish my tasks in my job, and I have to do homework from University. The value of time changes when you have more to do. I believe it has helped me to be more productive, also all what I have learned has helped me to develop myself in different ways.

Roxana Portillo

¡My first day at UAM!

My first day at UAM was kind of unbelievable, because it is my first job, and that i was thinking that was all that i need that day i woke up at 5:00 AM i was really excited.

When i arrived i met Sergio and he told me ¡Welcome to Uassistme! and gave to me a gift with some candies, they were really delicious, and we had to do a short tour in all the installations and at the end he introduces to me to my jr. coach, and he told me that i have to read and start my training, i was nervous because, was something really new to me i tought that i had to call and recibe calls and then i got realized that i had to search people and use a lot of tools and extesions.

I felt really blessed because i was looking for a job like this and i finally get it so i do my best, i remember that i did not take a lunch, i was really happy, i had to create all my accounts like Skype etc. The enviroment was really nice, then everybody told me Welcome to the YEC team!, about the place i really liked because it had a lot of colors and phrases my first impression was wow…i like this place! I was ready to start my new job! i did not need any more

I really liked the team all they were so kind and patient with me that day i learned a lot that day about emails, and social medias like Linkedin etc.

That day was really nice i go home and i told to my mom how was my first day at UAM and i was really happy to go back again!

-Nathaly G.

First Day at my new job!

Day 1, new beginning.

 The first day is always the most important, too many emotions, 
new duties, new partners, new building, new experiences, new friends, etc. 
I have a friend who told me one time "use your first day wisely" 
never understood that completely until I was here.

I feel excited and at the same time I am eager to learn new tasks.
I have always been working at call center environment, so many training's 
and taking calls was fun sometimes, however I believe I am capable to do
other things, like emails, chats, manage an agenda, booking flights, etc.

My team is super cool, knowledgeable, pro active and kind. My coach also
gave a warm welcome and I feel like I am not a newbie. Great things are 
about to come and hope this journey is long enough. 

I was reading some tips before my interview and the worked well for me,
so I will share some of them:

*Set yourself a goal: this might seem like a bit of an overkill, 
and may be tricky without knowing what projects you’re going to be 
working on specifically, but take some time and have a think about 
what you’d like to achieve within a set time of joining. That could be 
a month or two or three, or maybe the first 100 days. 
Don’t be unrealistic, but also try and set goals that will push you 
quite a bit and help you get off to a strong start.

*Be confident and friendly: confidence doesn’t mean being really loud 
or ‘showy’ on your first day. Rather, it means being open, at ease, 
welcoming and friendly to everyone. Smile, shake people’s hands and say 
hello. Get to know them. Treating everyone fairly and openly shows true 
confidence and integrity, rather than trying to be the attention-grabber.

Thank you for this opportunity. I am so glad to be part of this team!
Veronica Hernandez.
Business Analyst.

My First Day as VA

I remember my first day at a new school, new home, and recently a new job. I tend to question myself with anything new. I asked will I like the new place, will I meet new friends, what type of environment is it, and what type of work will I be doing?

I always hope for the best. Knowing this is not my first job experience I was not nervous nor shy. I have always been social and coming from a former employment where I interacted with many people of all different ages I knew I would not have an issue getting involved with my new team. My concern was what your client will be like since I would be working with a full time. Meaning I am fully dedicated to him and his requests.

My First Day

As I arrived on my first day on the job, I did not know to whom I should report myself to, who my Coach and Jr. Coach were (these terms being new for me, they stand for supervisor and Jr. Supervisor). About 10-15 minutes after 7am (start of my shift) I was introduced to my Jr. Coach. He showed me around the building, the different rooms and cafeteria. He explained the basics of how the company operates. While doing the tour I was met by former peers from my old job. About 5 of them, I was glad to see familiar faces.

Overall, my first day on the job was very easy. I was able to talk to my client and get some network configurations going. We were able to talk about the way he works and what were his expectations. I had never been a direct assistant but have worked at an office environment for the past 11 years which made it much easier for me to adapt. As the day went on I felt very comfortable with the tasks assigned to me and the type of work I was completing. That was my first day as a VA. Anner Sanchez

First Day at work: An introverted point of view

I remember my first day at a new school: picking up my backpack and thinking about my new classmates more than the actual classess and teachers and wondering “Will I make new friends? Will I like the new school at all?” I think we have all felt like that one way or another, and I was sure to relive that on my first day at

Not being my first job experience, I was confident in my own skills and experience to know I would be a great fit in doing the job itself, but, being an introvert, I was definitely pondering about fitting in with my new team mates. Getting into  a new group has always been a challenge for me, not for lack of social skills per sé, but getting involved by my own volition is an uphill battle and I have to always push myself into being more extroverted.

How to Overcome “First day anxiety”?

Introverts tend to become pretty self-aware of many things, thus predisposing oneself to several unwanted situations and finally avoiding contact the first few days. Although a couple of days might not seem like a long time, those first days are literally the first impression the company and team mates get of you and you dont want to tarnish that, right? With that in mind, I had consciously decided to not predispose myself to any situation, nor to simply wait for people to start talking to me. I had decided to do my best to talk to at least one person a day. Let’s call that Rule #1 for introverts.

A little help from my friends…

As I arrived on my first day on the job, even though I was a bit familiar with the building and layout, I did not fully comprehend to whom I should report myself to, my team mates in Callington (the client I will work with) and even my team mates involved with my Coach and Jr. Coach (some new terms for me, basically they stand for supervisor and Jr. supervisor) so as expected I stood quiet most of the day. Luckily, I had a couple of high-school friends already working here. They showed me the ropes as to who is who, ground rules and introduced me to new people. So I was able to expand my network to make myself known to more people. Let’s call this small networking Rule #2.


Overall, my first day on the job was very thrilling just for the fact that I was pushing myself to expand my point of view and make positive changes in order to fit in every aspect of my worklife. Following Rule #1 (try to talk to at least one person a day) and Rule #2 (use those contacts to expand your network) I have been able to slowly, but surely, fit in my Team and enjoy my job more and more since the first day, and I know you will too.

— Joel Yustman


Keep Calm and Rock Your First Day

The first day of work can be full of excitement… before you get to the office. It’s like the first day of school; you can’t contain your excitement but when you enter the premises you are already dying to leave!

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That is usually the case, but, honestly I was so happy with my new job that I just wanted to learn new stuff and know what I was going to be delegated to do for the rest of my first day. 

I have to admit that being a newbie is really stressful, you want to get things done the correct way and on time, and the worst part is the fear of messing things up and being reprehended, luckily I had the help of a really nice girl, she taught me everything that I had to know on how to get the work done before the end of the day.

Shadowing her was one thing and made things look really simple and easy, but having to start getting stuff done by myself was other, thanks God the things I had to do on my first day were not that complicated and was able to get them done on time.

Image result for trust the magic of new beginnings

I’m still a newbie, I don’t know people’s names yet, still don’t know how to handle some situations, but the good thing is that people is always open to answer my questions when I don’t know what to do, is a good thing to know that you have the support of your co-workers. Having new experiences and having new beginnings is the best you can have when wanting to learn and grow as a person and as a professional, so I can say I a pretty good first day at my new job. Hopping that everyday will be a new day for new lessons and new opportunities.

By: Rebeca Abrego ♥♥♥

First Day at Work :3

My first day at UassistMe was AWESOME!


I woke up early, to make sure the day started without any lateness inconvenience, I was excited, eager to arrive and start some kind of training before contacting the client (I was used to a call center routine), but there was no training! 😮 I had to go straight to contact the client and pay attention to all the tasks he wanted to assign 🙂


Before my client’s call, I received a little tour of the office to make sure I don’t get lost, where to find specific places, what I’m able to do and not and was told of the rules I have to follow.


When the tour finished, I was given a beautiful cup of the company full of candies! It was perfect for the nerves!, shortly after that, the time for the client’s call arrived. I was really nervous at first, but I manage to keep my composure intact (ate all the candy I could) and proceed with positiveness. Thankfully, the call ended really well! My first duties were assigned and I was ready to move on to the next stage.




A team meeting was organized, it was the moment to meet the rest of the team I’d been assigned to. It ended great! now I know them all and know who to ask for help in desperate times.

I was able to socialize more with the the partner I have beside me (since she is right beside me) and found out we have a so much in common, so that helped out a lot in order to make me feel in confidence, calmed and not like the shy new person in town.


In lunch time, I preferred to remain in the floor than eating at the cafeteria since I felt more comfortable inside the office, plus I was able to watch a video on my cell phone while eating, just like home (watching tv and eating).

The mood I felt was awesome! no pressure, no stress, friendly people, making things at your own pace, but of course giving the client’s tasks priority.

By the end of the day, all the butterflies flying like crazy inside my stomach went away and I was excited to return to work next day (which it’s a really weird thing to happen).

I survived! and I loved it 😀

Thanks for reading.

– Gabriela Sobenes –



My First Day at Uassist.ME

My first day at Uassist.ME was on December 26th 2017 and it was awesome, nothing to do with what i was used to. I loved the place, people and working environment. I felt comfortable on doing what i was needed to do and my coach is amazing, she is so approachable and if i need help my co-workers and coach are there to help with no excuses, however, at the beginning i felt i little nervous but i think is normal because i was arriving to a new place to work, like a second home, where i will stay for almost half of my day.

I started working on a training that i felt so comfortable with because i was learning and practicing things that i already knew. I came with a client already however at the moment to start working with him he was not so sure to get my services so i made another interview and at that time i started to feel nervous again but everything went good and the client was happy with my performance during the call so i’m waiting for his call to start working with him.

At the middle of my shift my co-workers without any knowledge about myself asked me if i wanted some Popsicle because they where about to buy some from “Chorroletas” i had to say “No thank you” because i’m on a diet however that made me feel so good. Besides that i decided to come and eat at my spot to continue with the training at the same time because it was so long and i just wanted to get it done as soon as possible.

At the moment that i needed to go home because my shift had already ended i didn’t feel the need to go home, i just wanted to stay and continue working on the training so i stayed for a while but at the end i needed to go because i had another appointment that i forgot because i was too focused on what i was doing.

What i can say of my experience on my first day at Uassist.ME is that i am so thankful for the job opportunity and i believe in myself, i know i’m capable of improving my knowledge and experience to be helpful and be a good part of the team.


Giselle Vargas